Thursday 8 July 2010

Meet the Bookings Team!

With cries of "My hair's a mess" and "I've not got any make up on" (Mostly from Dave!), I managed to persuade the bookings team to pause for a quick moment to star in the first EAC Head Office Blog Team Shot! And what a magnificent bunch they are, I am sure that you will agree!

From left to right we have.....

Dave: Working mostly on the Spanish, Turkish, French & Greek markets with his marketing "partner in crime" Catherine. The only man in the department - poor thing!
Lynne: Masquerading as part of the bookings team, but actually she is our Cheery Credit Controller!
Zoe: Our Auzzie Ace, dealing with all of the Activity Camp bookings.
Eva: The first of our summer temps - and glamourous assistant to Dave.
Kelly: The second of our summer temps - helping out with the larger agents in Manekas markets
Maneka: Da Boss! - looking after this motley crew, and dealing with Richies markets - mainly Italy and Germany.
Nicola: The last of our summer temps - queen of the wardrobe (I've never seen her wear the same thing twice!)
Karen: With the luck of the Irish, Karen looks after the Russian, Kazach and Eastern European markets, working closely with Alison and Masha in marketing.

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