Tuesday 6 July 2010


So, this is where we all the Head Office action takes place - 45 Frederick Street, right in the heart of the beautiful city of Edinburgh. EAC occupy the top 2 floors of this block.

In summertime, Head Office is a hive of activity and no matter what time of day, the office is buzzing with telephones ringing, keyboards tapping, kettles boiling and people rushing around. Our hectic office is accompanied by a soundtrack of cheesy tunes/rock/classical/Polish radio/opera (depending on which office you are in - we'll let you decide who listens to what!)

As you can see, directly below us is Cafe Rouge. The sound of clinking wine glasses and chitter chatter from the tourists and Ladies who Lunch sitting out enjoying the sunshine* drifts up through our open windows to tease us, accompanied by the delicious smells of Steak & Frites!

So, that's us! We can't wait to see more about your centres, so get blogging! - it's so great for us to see what is going on at our centres around the UK, and to see all the happy faces of the students in the photos makes all of the hard work worthwhile.

*Yes, the sun does shine in Scotland!!

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