Friday 9 July 2010

EAC Love Eteaket!

Every second Friday, we have an all staff meeting to catch up on what has been happening the previous fortnight, and to be informed of any future developments for EAC.

At the end of this mornings meeting, we were treated to a lovely selection of yummy mini cakes, kindly donated by our lovely tea shop Eteaket downstairs.

Unfortunately, by the time I managed to capture the cakes on camera, the majority had been gobbled up by hungry staff as a sugary breakfast treat. Here's what's left .....although I suspect not for long!!

If any of you are ever up in Edinburgh at Head Office, or just for a wee holiday, then we suggest that you pop into Eteaket and sample some of the full size versions of these cakes!!

Enough of my promotion of Eteaket.......This weekend is a very busy one for you all with over 2000 eac students arriving in the UK from around the world this weekend. For those of you whose centres are already in full swing, and for those of you who are opening up this weekend......GOOD LUCK!!

And a final note goes out to all of the centres who have Spanish students - we hope that there are celebrations rather than comiserations this weekend - GO SPAIN!!

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