Wednesday 14 July 2010

Hoo-Ray for HR!

Our Edinburgh Sunshine has finally been washed away by rain, rain and more rain, and we all arrived at the office this morning with sunglasses replaced with umbrellas and t shirts replaced with rain jackets :-(

Still, the HR team managed to remain a happy bunch for their Blog Team Photo - from Left to Right we have Amanda, Craig, Karen and Rachel. Most of you will just know their voices from your telephone interviews, but now you can see what they look like (and aren't they a beautiful bunch?!)

Having successfully recruited the majority of the 500+ staff for the summer centres, the HR team are now working hard to make sure that everyone gets paid next be nice to them!!

This photo shows a typical day in the HR office - with Amanda and Rachel swotting up on the latest HR magazines, Karen swigging at a bottle of Vodka, and Craig offering his team some moral support in the form of one of his latest song and dance routines - " it's raining more than ever, you know that we still have each other, you can stand under my um-ba-rella, you can stand under my um-ba-rella, ella, ella, ay, ay, ay, under my um-ba-rella......." -

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