Friday 6 August 2010

Our first Employee of the Month

2 weeks ago at our staff meeting we were handed voting cards to vote for the first ever EAC Employee of the Month. This morning, the votes were counted and the very worthy winner was........... Dave Ryan. Well Done Dave!
Dave joined EAC in April 2007 as a bookings temp, looking after the "Rest of the World" market. He was so good that he was asked to stay on permenantly and luckily he accepted! For a year, he worked on the UK Activity Camps, and then moved to his current role as Bookings Consultant for the Spanish, Austrian, Greek, Turkish....and a few other markets.
But Daves talents do not end at EAC - at the weekend, he turns into DJ Dave, hosting Daves Music Cafe on Leith FM Saturday 6-8pm 98.8fm (tune in for a listen this weekend!)
Dave is very happy with his award, and is looking forward to enjoying a few celebratory drinks this evening.

Tuesday 3 August 2010

EAC 2010 Collage - Take 1!

After a day of pottering, I have come up with my first attempt at an EAC 2010 collage video. I'd still love to have more of your words pictures, but I think that I've done a good job so far....see what you think....! A big thanks goes to you all, as without your wonderful pictures, I wouldn't have been able to do this.

Put the volume on up your computer..........!!